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our pillars

"To me, passion is the ability to love and do something, even at times when you have no external motivation or drive. When you are passionate about something, your motivation and drive comes from within. You do not need anything or anyone to motivate you, this is why people can pursue their passion for hours on end without needing a break; even when their energy is depleted, they still have the internal motivation to push them forward.
In the great words of Hannah Montana, 'Everybody has those days.' It is the things you are willing to do during those days that you are passionate about."
-Brittany Reed '21
"I think of honor as holding yourself and others to a higher standard. In Legacies we strive to do our best in everything we do, from our community work to school, and in our relationships with each other. We can all learn and grow. Honor is also about keeping one another responsible and accountable for our actions. I believe we represent our organization and school with pride and we hope to inspire others."
- Fran Sanchez '22
"Community is an important aspect to everyone at Texas A&M, but in Legacies, it's more than those in our immediate circle. It starts with the women that come together from different races, religions and social beliefs, in order to make up a powerful group that strives to do good. Giving back to our Bryan/College Station community is important to us because impacting lives and inspiring others beyond our organization not only helps us accomplish one of goals of leaving our community and legacy better than when we started, but hopefully inspires those around us to determine the kind of legacy they want to leave behind as well"
- Alyssa Robertson '21
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